Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at The Ringling Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum. Image features sculpture by artist Olafur Eliasson.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum. Image features sculpture by artist Olafur Eliasson.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Anne Patterson’s Pathless Woods at Trapholt Museum.

Pathless Woods

Pathless Woods is an interactive, site-specific fiber art installation, consisting of over 24 miles of multi-colored satin ribbon, projections, music, and scent. Walking through the piece feels like swimming through a sea of color. The visitor to Pathless Woods leaves the reality of the museum and enters into another world; a constructed synesthetic experience where the senses are encouraged to overlap. There is the touch of fabric on skin; the sound of composer, Michael Gandolfi’s Garden of Cosmic Speculation; Adam Larsen’s muti-media projections reflecting off the ribbons and Beau Rhee’s scent evoking the smell of pine forests. Over 300,000 visitors experienced the meditative and joyful experience of Pathless Woods at The Ringling. Pathless Woods was reinstalled at the Trapholt Museum in Denmark as a part of the 2019 ‘Sense Me’ group exhibition, including works from artists such as Georgia O’Keefe, Jeppe Hein, Olafur Eliasson, and Wassily Kandinsky. Pathless Woods was also included in the group exhibition ‘SYNAESTHESIA: What is the taste of the color blue?’ at Building Bridges Art Exchange in partnership with the Art Sci Gallery at UCLA in 2017.

Exhibition History:

Pathless Woods

November 4th, 2016 through April 26th, 2017

The Ringing Museum

Sarasota, FL

Synaesthesia: What is the taste of the color blue?

September 23rd through November 1st, 2017

Building Bridges Art Exchange

Santa Monica, CA

Sense Me

December 9th, 2019 through January 6th, 2020

Trapholt Museum

Kolding, Denmark

Curator (The Ringling): Matthew McLendon

Curators (Trapholt): Karen Holdaway Grøn, Katrine Stenum Mortensen

Curator (Building Bridges Art Exchange): Marisa Caichiolo

Associate Designer: Kina Park

Composer: Michael Gandolfi

Projection Designer: Adam Larsen

Scent Designer: Beau Rhee